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April 06, 2008


Happy Birthday Jammin'!!!!

Happy belated Birthday to Jammin looks like he had a good time.
Wish I had a sister but then if I were pregnant it would be a miracle!! :)

Now, HE looks like he was JAMMIN'!!! Happy Belated to Mr.Mr.!! (I forgot you and Susan have sons w/close birthdays AND they're right before Stephen's! His is today!!).

Amanda gave YOU the best present (though I doubt Jammin' feels that way); she wins the Sister of the Year!!!


Jammin' is Dave! Wow! We thought about you yesterday. And your sister is awesome:)

Happy birthday Jammin'! Looks like you had a great time!

(Karmyn: does your sister do housecalls? Just wondering...)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMMIN'!!!!!! Next year we need to get Jammin' and Golden Boy together for a co-blog party or something...

Many Happy Returns, Jammin'!

He looks like he had a fantastic time!

Ah, well it was my pleasure! And I know you'd have done it for me if I needed it. I love you guys.

clean carpets! lucky you, sisters are the BEST thing ever sometimes!

Jammin looks like he had a great b-day

They say it's your birthday !
It's my birthday, too (not really)
Happy Happy Birthday.

And happy clean carpets thanks to siseroo.

Yippee! Birthdays and clean floors! Way to go. Wish I had a sis. :)

Happy Birthday Jammin'!

No wonder my carpets don't get done--I don't have a sister!

~*~*Happy 7th Birthday!!~*~*

Look at the pink cheeks and nose and happy face. Being seven must be wonderful. kisses kisses kisses.

Oh Happy Birthday Jammin! Hope you had a great day!

Hey Karmyn, Can I have your sister? I don't think mine even knows what a Hoover is! But she is kinda do you want to swap???

Happy Birthday! yay and wOOt!

Can I have ur sister's number, so she can come and do my carpets, please? [kidding]. That was a lovely gift from her to yourselves. Yay!!!

Mal :)

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