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February 05, 2008


I don't have a first grader but I'll post the 2nd grade version tonight! I love #8 - absolutely melts my heart.

The bride thing? yeah. Oh, maybe he meant falls in love?

I love this. So, so much.

Oh that's great fun! I have a kindergartner I might try that on.

Hey, he did pretty well! I thought the lying with dogs was good, too.

#19 makes me giggle.

This is absolutely hilarious. As for the bride one? He was obviously thinking of America's funniest home videos.

I personally thank Jammin' for "A miss is as good as a ...Mrs." I am feeling much better about myself now!! ;-)

Oh, I'm SO doing this with Golden Boy, fellow 1st grader. I'll have it posted later today.

That's one savvy 1st-grade you have. Honestly, I think some of his answers are more poignant than the traditional proverb.
And funnier.
Funnier's good.

#6 and #16 had me laughing.

Out loud...

for real :).

I do I do, and I'm going to try them on her tonight.
Jammin' has some really cute finishes!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
A miss is as good as a Mrs.
That's awesome and true and funny and great!

These are great. I liked the lying down qith dogs one best.

Those are really good answers he came up with (for the most part..)

sweet jammin!!

These are hilarious...I have a 1st grader too...I might have to try this!!! Love #8. Such a fun age isnt't it???

I love #6, it shows how you're raising him. :) And how true is #8! I can't ever lay on my floor because of that.

19 is great! How deep for a 1st grader!

I enjoyed this, LOL. Will have to try this with my boys, though they are grades K, 3, 5.

Oh My! Thankyou Jammin, you little sweetie. A Mrs is certainly as good as a Miss I can vouch for that. God bless your little heart.

That's brilliant. Some of his answers are so funny, but some are actually not far off either. He's obviously a good thinker! When is first grade? are they seven? If so, Tinkerbell Mushroom is one.....

6 and 19 crack me up!

What age exactly is a 1st grader?

Most excellent!! I wish I had a first grader to try these proverbs with. Jasper is the right age, but I don't think he knows very much about proverbs.

OMG! I am a laughing fool reading this.

{{looking over my shoulder to make sure the paddy wagon isnt after me}}

I may have to try this on Wee One

*LOL* Those are cute answers.

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