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February 14, 2007


I was doing the same thing, mine had an extra h in the front of the url. DOH! LOL

Ain't technology grand? If they're clever they'll figure it out. Are they clever new friends?


I think I'll go check my info out, too!

Ahh that sucks! I'm glad I know your blog addy. :)

Yes I noticed this too but I kept thinking it was some sort of block.

For a minute there I thought I'd left you that comment and forgotten about it. But I see there's another Sally in your life. I'm quite relieved - I didn't want to find out I'm experiencing early onset Alzheimer's!

If you're not going to finish that candy, can I have it?

you can send some of that chocolate my way too!!... not that i need it, heh..but I'm old enough not to care anymore lol

You could have had a V-8.

Hmmmmm, I wonder how many of us have done the same thing :/.

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