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« Vacation Post #2 or Things Seen on the Road | Main | Altered Books - Post #7 »

June 17, 2009


That does sound very eerie, it's amazing you can travel that far without seeing traffic.

Your post just started a maths lesson. Gameboy is trying to work out how fast someone could run in an hour for that distance. He reckons if you run 10k's an hour you will get there in 5 hours and 15 minutes. He reckons you could manage that. LOL. Boys! And here I was just thinking thats awfully green for a desert!!!!

Wow! I would love to experience that someday. Nothing like that here on the East coast!

Awesome shot! We definitely don't get vistas like that in New England.

We have areas almost like that. Except we don't have the mountain in front of us.

I think I would go crazy if I lived in an area like that. I like not knowing what's coming 'round the bend. Nice picture!

There are some stretches of road like that here in the desert, but they are getting smaller in number as developers seem to think they need to build on every square inch of land. Beats me why people would want to live so far away from everything, but whatever floats your boat, right? Still, it's sad to see the disappearance of these lands.

They don't make em like that anymore! I remember when there were quite a few roads in these parts that looked like that with very little traffic. Not anymore.

2 years ago we went down 95 (Oregon, Idaho, Nevada) to Winnemucca and over the mountains into California on 80. It looked JUST LIKE THAT!

I went All by MYSELF down 97 a year before that. There is a lot of lonely road and open space that way. Two lane highway.

Even on I-5 there's a lot of open space -- but at least there are cars.

Love the pix, Sis!!
We were glad to take care of the pets while you guys enjoyed the sights (and the nothingness.) I would've liked to have seen the Krisha temple for sure!!

beautiful pic!!! so nice that you stopped to enjoy the view.

I've been in places like that and how can you not just get out and enjoy it a bit! What a fun trip and glad there was no horror!

That is a really cool picture though....not somewhere I would want to be alone though.

Great Photo!! I can really appreciate that no traffic nothingness..a number of years ago we were coming out of Idaho and did not realize that Oregon is such a lonely place, skipped supper, and GAS, thought we might end up sleeping along side the road, had peanut butter sandwiches for supper, Finally found a Town?? not a very big one with a Motel ( we had to wake them up) and a Gas station..had breakfast the next morning after an hour or so drive to John Day..where civilization began again. If we had only eaten, and gotten gas, we may have enjoyed that stretch of highway more! :)

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